Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Daughter Turns 7

Today my oldest daughter turns 7 and I turn 50.  Not really, but it sure does feel that way.  It's amazing how your children's birthday make you feel so much older.  One thing I have learned during my short time as a parent is that children make your days fly by.  One of my favorite quotes is "Children make your days long, but your years short."  I don't remember who said it or where I heard it, but it has always stuck with me.  So, today on my daughters 7th birthday, I realize I am another decade older.  

So, enough self pity.  I think it is awesome to see how my daughter has grown up.  I can remember her first words, her first steps, and all the little things that she has done leading up to today.  I am so proud of the young woman she has become.  She is so smart and caring.  She has a little attitude, but a wonderful conscious.  She is awesome.  So, 7 years ago, God graced us with this wonderful child and today we celebrate her 7th birthday.  Happy Birthday Random Girl!  

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