Disney World is my most favorite place in the entire world. One of the joys I got out of becoming a Dad was that I would get to take my kids there one day. About three months ago, Mom and I bit the bullet and decided that September 2012 would be the year my daughters got introduced to Disney World. We got the videos, talked to the girls about the trip, and even used it as incentive forRandom Girl to do good in school. Now, we've found out that sometime around next May, we're having another baby come our way. So, do we continue with our plans for Disney, adding a 5 month old to the head count, or do we postpone this family vacation for a later date? Does anyone have experience doing a major trip like this one with a new born? Any advice? I just don't know what to do and I hate the idea of breaking my little girl's hearts because we're having another baby. The rational side to me tells me to wait at least another year, but my child side tells me to go for it. What do you think?
Your poll is confusing - you ask whether you should cancel or go ahead, but your options are yes and no. Which is yes and which is no? Yes to going or yes to postponing? I vote go ahead. Take a grandparent with you.
Lots of experience both of my kids went UNDER five months. Any questions email me directly at john&daddysincharge.com
Your poll is confusing - you ask whether you should cancel or go ahead, but your options are yes and no. Which is yes and which is no? Yes to going or yes to postponing?
I vote go ahead. Take a grandparent with you.
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